Monday 16 September 2013

May the force be with you!

My first week of TED was amazing!  Teaching around 75 kids at once sometimes and absolutely no behaviour problems because the students were so engaged!  Let's hope this week is just as exciting!

This week, we are working on drawing characters who display Stephen Covey's Habit #2 - Begin with the end in mind.  The Div. 2 students are drawing Yoda.  Yoda begins with the end in mind because he is a Jedi Master who uses past experiences to shape future decisions.  Here are the steps to draw Yoda:

To make Yoda a little more interesting for some of the girls, I designed a Yoda that used what I like to call a "doodle fill".  I paint it first with watercolours and then I use a Sharpie to add all kinds of doodles.  This is how he turned out:

May the force be with you!

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