Wednesday 22 February 2012

Dr. Seuss' Birthday!

In honour of Dr. Seuss' birthday, on March 2, my kindergarten class is going to be drawing and designing a Lorax.

In the past, I have taught a Cat in the Hat lesson where we learn about The Secret Art of Dr. Seuss.  I bought the book years ago and was fascinated by the crazy, colourful artwork that Dr. Seuss did when he wasn't creating art for his books.  You can find some of this artwork if you Google, The Secret Art of Dr. Seuss.  With the Cat in the Hat lesson, we drew the cat together and then we used The Secret Art of Dr. Seuss as our inspiration to make our cats colourful.  The results were absolutely beautiful!  These were done by some Grade One students.

Next week, I will be working on The Lorax with my kindies.  If you would like to try it too, here are the steps I will be using to teach my little ones how to draw him.  After we draw him, we will Secret Art of Dr. Seuss him and use pastel techniques to make him colourful and wonderful.  I will post more once we start the project!

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Tamara on starting your blog! I am so happy for you!

