Thursday 10 April 2014

Disney Carrot!

Today I did some free drawing with my TED (Today Everyone Draws!) classes.  I was a little worried that the students might use the "free drawing" time as a "free for all!"  Luckily, I was pleasantly surprised.

I told them that they would be doing some free drawing, but that I would be giving them a challenge to complete.  The title of the challenge was The Map to Anywhere.  I showed the students examples of maps that I found on the internet and in books that people had drawn.  I picked maps that had lots of pictures drawn on them so that I was emphasizing how the map they were making was a piece of art.

Finally, I showed them the example that I had made for class.  It was called Disney Carrot.  The idea came from my daughter, who loves bunnies.  When she was about 3 years old, she had this idea that Disneyland would be so much better if it was all about a bunny instead of a mouse.  She created a whole imaginary land called Disney Carrot and talked about it all the time.  I decided to make her a map of Disney Carrot and this is what it looked like:

The students then created their own Maps to Anywhere.  I told them that they could do anything they wanted -- treasure maps, maps of places they'd visited, maps of their homes...anything.  But I also emphasized that their maps would be so detailed that I would be able to look at them and they could tell me everything I needed to know about the place I was visiting on their map.  I was amazed at all the different things they did!  Some great examples were:

  • maps of their favourite video games (a really big hit with the boys)
  • maps of places they wish they could visit
  • two kids in separate classes did maps of the inside of their minds
  • on their own, some of the students pushed their papers together to make one big map that was joined together
  • maps of favourite ski hills
  • Candyland, Disney Cucumber, Unicornopolis
  • maps to buried treasure
I had a great time walking around and discussing the maps with the students.  It turned out to be one of my favourite lessons!

I hope you will try it and let me know how it goes!