Sunday 18 October 2015

Fun Halloween Art Project

Every year, I do an art unit with my class called The Art of Animation.  During the unit, we study the various animation studios and create a piece of art based on the different forms of animation.  This year, as a class reward, the students won a movie prize.  We chose to watch The Story of Life.  I loved the characters and the "Day of the Dead" theme in the movie!

After watching the movie, I thought it would be fun to draw our own skulls, paint them in watercolour and then fill them with doodles!

Here is the skull drawn and painted with watercolour:

And here it is after I added the doodles to turn it into a "sugar skull" based on the Day of the Dead.

I can't wait to do this project with my class to see how theirs turn out!

Happy painting!

Monday 27 July 2015

The Hairy Fellows: A Rabbit's Guide to Drawing

I am waiting anxiously by the door for the hard copy proof of my new book, The Hairy Fellows:  A Rabbit's Guide to Drawing.  With fingers crossed, the book will be ready to be launched in the fall of 2015.  Here's a little preview of the cover:

And, for a little drawing fun, here's some step by steps to get you excited for the book!

Thursday 22 January 2015

Chapters Book Signing!

If you happen to be in the area on Sunday, January 25, I will be at the Strathcona Chapters on Whyte Avenue in Edmonton for a book signing.

If you don't alreay have your own copy and would like a signed version, please stop by!

If you just want to stop by for a visit, that's great too!

Don't forget to visit for more information and activities about my book.

Hoping to see you there!

Thursday 18 September 2014

Gingerbread Activities for Teachers!

Hey teachers!  I have been busy working on a package of gingerbread activities to go with my new book, The Gingerbread Teacher, or any book with a gingerbread theme.  If you visit my gingerbread website,, you will find math, literacy and art activities for your early childhood students.

Friday 15 August 2014

The Gingerbread Teacher

I am so excited to announce that I have just finished my first children's storybook and it is now available on and Teachers Pay Teachers!

The Gingerbread Teacher is the story of a group of children who come to school one day to find their beloved teacher missing.  They soon take matters into their own hands and decide to bake their own gingerbread teacher.

The Gingerbread Teacher is a great book to use with a gingerbread thematic teaching unit, or just a great story to read to children!

Don't miss the bonus at the end of the book where I teach you the steps to draw the gingerbread teacher:

I will also be available beginning in the fall to come to your school to read to the students and teach your class how to draw the gingerbread teacher.  To book a session, please email me!

To order your own copy of the gingerbread teacher, go to:

Thursday 10 April 2014

Disney Carrot!

Today I did some free drawing with my TED (Today Everyone Draws!) classes.  I was a little worried that the students might use the "free drawing" time as a "free for all!"  Luckily, I was pleasantly surprised.

I told them that they would be doing some free drawing, but that I would be giving them a challenge to complete.  The title of the challenge was The Map to Anywhere.  I showed the students examples of maps that I found on the internet and in books that people had drawn.  I picked maps that had lots of pictures drawn on them so that I was emphasizing how the map they were making was a piece of art.

Finally, I showed them the example that I had made for class.  It was called Disney Carrot.  The idea came from my daughter, who loves bunnies.  When she was about 3 years old, she had this idea that Disneyland would be so much better if it was all about a bunny instead of a mouse.  She created a whole imaginary land called Disney Carrot and talked about it all the time.  I decided to make her a map of Disney Carrot and this is what it looked like:

The students then created their own Maps to Anywhere.  I told them that they could do anything they wanted -- treasure maps, maps of places they'd visited, maps of their homes...anything.  But I also emphasized that their maps would be so detailed that I would be able to look at them and they could tell me everything I needed to know about the place I was visiting on their map.  I was amazed at all the different things they did!  Some great examples were:

  • maps of their favourite video games (a really big hit with the boys)
  • maps of places they wish they could visit
  • two kids in separate classes did maps of the inside of their minds
  • on their own, some of the students pushed their papers together to make one big map that was joined together
  • maps of favourite ski hills
  • Candyland, Disney Cucumber, Unicornopolis
  • maps to buried treasure
I had a great time walking around and discussing the maps with the students.  It turned out to be one of my favourite lessons!

I hope you will try it and let me know how it goes!

Monday 20 January 2014

Drawing the Fairy Tales - Now available!

It's finally finished!

I have just completed the final details for my fourth book, Tamara Martin Spady the Art Lady - Drawing the Fairy Tales.  It is being printed as we speak!

However, if you would like to purchase a digital copy, please visit my store at Teachers Pay Teachers at:

Here is a little freebie to get your started!  Have fun drawing the Little Mermaid: